What Is Myopia
Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a condition where individuals can see nearby objects clearly but struggle to distinguish things at a distance, like road signs or leaves on a tree. People with myopia often squint in an attempt to focus on distant objects.
Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for myopia. Recent studies suggest that as myopia worsens, its impact on vision becomes more severe. Eye professionals are actively researching ways to slow down the progression of myopia in children and young adults. This is because the eyes change more rapidly during this stage of life, and slowing down myopia progression during these years can have significant benefits.
Types Of Myopia Control
- Contact Lenses: Our specialty contact lenses are designed to reduce eye strain and slow down the progression of myopia over time. We are proud to offer the MiSight 1 day contact lens, the first FDA-approved soft contact lens proven to manage myopia in children aged 8-12. To learn more and schedule a FREE consultation, please contact us.
- Atropine Eye Drops: Atropine eye drops are formulated to alleviate eye strain and promote muscle relaxation, helping to maintain optimal vision and slow down the progression of myopia in children. Similar to eye dilation drops, Atropine provides long-lasting effects throughout the day. Contact us to learn more about this effective treatment option.