long-term care after cataract surgery

Recovery and Long-Term Care After Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a very common and effective procedure for restoring your vision. You can resume your daily life after a few days as well. But only if you are careful to follow certain steps. 

Like any other surgery, healing after a cataract surgery requires rest of the body and being extra cautious.

In this blog, you will get extensive knowledge on how to care for your eyes after a cataract surgery. 

What to Expect Immediately After the Surgery?

  • Just after the surgery, mild discomfort and itching are normal.
  • Since you got a new lens, your eyes may need more time to adjust. So, in the initial phase, your vision may be blurry.
  • At this stage, eye specialists often recommend an eye shield, particularly during your sleep.
  • Light sensitivity can be a normal sign at this stage. If you want, you can try sunglasses.

Tips for A Smooth Recovery

  • Use eye drops as and when directed by your doctor. This will help in reducing inflammation. A cataract care in Beaumont will guide you through this.
  • As possible, give your eyes rest. Take as much rest as possible. Avoid watching TV, reading books, etc.
  • Stay away from physically strenuous activities like lifting heavy weights, as this can put pressure on your eyes. 
  • Avoid swimming, or do not splash water in your eyes. This can lead to infections.

Signs You Need Urgent Professional Assistance?

  • If you notice your vision is becoming extremely blurry, contact your doctor now.
  • Mild pain is normal. But if you feel severe pain in your eyes, that can be a danger for you.
  • If your eyes or the surrounding area swells and it does not go even after a few days, that can be a sign of worry.
  • Any unusual discharge from the eyes should be immediately reported to your doctor.

Long-term Care Tips for Cataract Surgery

Knowing what to do in the long term will prevent your chances of emergency visits to the eye care center.

  • Attend all follow-up sessions to monitor and assess the condition of your eyes.
  • Do not touch your eyes with unwashed hands.
  • Use sunglasses while outdoors to protect your eyes from sunlight.
  • Have a diet that is good for your eyes and rich in fruits, green vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids.

How to Adjust to Life After a Surgery?

Adjusting to your new vision can be overwhelming. Take it one step at a time, and you will be good to go.

  • Sometimes, you may need new glasses or contact lenses to better adjust to your new vision. Your doctor will help you out with this.
  • Do not hurry. Ease back into your normal life slowly. Start one activity at a time. Let your new vision adjust it to your lifestyle.

How well you care for your eyes after a cataract surgery impacts how fast and smoothly you can resume your daily life. Right steps with the right guidance and you will have a healthy vision for a lifetime.

Do you need more information on this? Contact us and book a session for your eyes.